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Office Control 2009

Professional work and management and control tool for high-performance tasks


Jobs "for high performance professional team and management and control tasks"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: Office 2009 professional tools and high performance management audit and control work is oriented to the task. SQL Server 2008, as part of commitment to a new database engine for maximum quality, efficient, access and security to speed the search for the best bet maximum reliability and performance represents a qualitative leap 2009 edition.

<Br> All of this administration which features an excellent set on a system that offers data protection and performance for users and also a simple application, but Office 2009 is designed CONTROL makes perfect integration of various server and infrastructure facilities, and licensing indeed cost-per-content.

2009 CONTROL OFFICE important features:

* COMPUTER MANAGEMENT: To add an automatic to all the computers in the domain or workgroup, and if you use your computer when you allow them to organize department, region, office buildings ...

* MONITORING CONSOLE: by employees real-time activity displays what the application or active document.

* REMARKS: an employee makes to start a conversation with the instant message window.

* ACTIONS and office equipment: remote office for all the computers automatically turn off a single computer or can provide.

ACTIVITY REPORTS *: all events as office equipment in areas such as internet access were recorded Publications, pages visited the block, applications, edited documents, printer usage, start and end of work session time used on any computer in the office ...

* Remote Control Console: remote control of any team to take office, training is very useful task - training and support - provide care. 2009 Office Control can now download free 1.0.

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